Upcoming Adult Classes

The Adult Education Committee offers a wide variety of courses and programs in such areas as film, science, current social and political issues, skill development, personal growth, and forms of religious understanding. We always welcome suggestions from anyone who would like to present or participate in a program. 

You can find a record of previous courses here.

1001 Opening Nights

Alan Bell

Six-Eight Sessions

Tuesdays May 7—June 4

3-4:30 PM. Board Room

It seems everything has to have a Golden Age, whether or not it was truly golden. For television, it was the 1950s. Some great plays made their way to American screens during that period: Marty, Requiem for a Heavyweight, No Time for Sergeants, 12 Angry Men. These plays featured some hungry unknown actors like Paul Newman, Andy Griffith, Jack Palance, Rod Steiger, and James Dean. The plays were performed LIVE. Each session will start with background information and then the play will be shown in its entirety. Most are under an hour. After each performance, we'll engage in a free-form discussion.

Alan Bell is a Congregation member with 20 years of experience in television, mostly as a public TV producer, and 15 years as a professor of communications.  

For more information, contact Linda Lambert.

Detective Fiction and Religion Part 2

Carol Daeley

Wednesday May 15

2-4 PM, Board Room

Because detective fiction emerged as a defined genre in the 19th century, its affinities with scientific realism, close observation, and rational thinking are often stressed. But there is also, from the beginning, a close association between detective fiction and what is, or appears to be, supernatural. Many detective novels build their plots around specific religions. How and why? The last meeting of this class will discuss P.D James’s Death in Holy Orders (Anglicanism). We will also be privileged to hear from congregation member Linda Lambert, author of the Justine trilogy, about detection in her novels.

Carol Daeley is a Congregation member and a retired professor of literature, though professors of literature never actually retire.