UUCSR Groups, Activities, and Committees

We promise... getting involved with make your presence here a more rewarding and transformative experience. Within our community, some people help by: 

Depending on where your experience, talents, and interests lie, consider getting involved in one of the following areas of life at UUCSR.

Please note:  If you wish to contact a group or committee chair by phone, please call the office at (707) 568-5381 during business hours and ask for their phone number.

UUCSR governance and opportunities for service to the congregation are listed here

Religious Education

Adult Education (AE) Committee

We have the enviable role of developing thought-provoking and entertaining educational programs for the congregation. Topics cover a wide variety of subjects, including spiritual growth and practices, social justice, science, books, movies, and the arts. The AE committee recruits presenters and helps organize, develop, and publicize classes. We are grateful for members of the congregation who volunteer to teach and share their considerable experience, expertise, and knowledge. New members are always welcome. Contact: adulted@uusantarosa.org

Youth Religious Education (YRE)

The YRE programs are divided by age group: Children ages 4 through 9, the Tween Group ages 10 through 12, and the Youth Group ages 13 through 18. The youth program provides many different types of activities, such as game nights, art shows, and classes. YRE also periodically sponsors the Our Whole Lives program, which is a comprehensive sex education curriculum of the UUA. Contact: dre@uusantarosa.org.

Children’s Religious Education (RE) Steering Committee

The Religious Education Steering Committee is a group of friendly and welcoming folk who help support children, youth, and families at UUCSR. They do this by meeting monthly with the Director of Religious Education to help plan events and programs that benefit our families, including the annual Family BBQ, volunteer recruitment for RE, multigenerational worship, parenting groups, and Parents Night Out. Contact: dre@uusantarosa.org

Spiritual Life

Soul Matters

This is a small group ministry program in which groups of 8-10 people meet monthly for connection and discussion of assigned topics. The sessions utilize materials provided by a network of UU congregations. Their packets are designed to lead you into reflection on your relationship to themes such as Renewal, Deep Listening, Healing, Stillness, and Imagination. All are welcome. To find out about joining a group, contact: smallgroupministry@uusantarosa.org

Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS)

The goal of our CUUPS chapter is to celebrate our 7th principle and expand public awareness of Pagan values in our community through education and celebration. Pagans are people who follow a nature-based religion and are in tune with her cycles. This group meets monthly, and all are welcome. Contact: cuups@uusantarosa.org

Taize Evening Contemplative Services

The Taize service includes short readings, the chanting of songs from our UU tradition, silent meditation, and the lighting of candles. The intention of this short contemplative service is to create a place of tranquility that allows you to connect with the Spirit of Life in a deep way. First Thursdays of each month 6:00 to 7:00pm. Contact: Judy Withee.

Community Building

Older and Bolder Women’s Group

This is a support and discussion group for women congregants who are 75 and older. We meet at 10:30 on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at the UU. Contact: olderandbolder@uusantarosa.org

Men’s Support Groups

There are currently several ongoing UU Men’s Groups. Each group provides an opportunity for men to meet with other men, offering social support in a safe and confidential atmosphere. All are welcome. Contact: mensgroup@uusantarosa.org

Women’s Support Groups

Women’s Support Groups provide a way for women to share personal issues in small groups.  This is a safe space where members abide by a rule of confidentiality. All are welcome. Contact: womentogether@uusantarosa.org

Women Together

All UU women are members of Women Together and are invited to join in our activities.  The goal is to foster good relations among UUCSR women and to provide opportunities for meaningful discussion—and fun!  Our activities include Elder Tales, Retreats, Movie Night, Parties, and an annual three-day retreat at a local camp.  Contact: womentogether@uusantarosa.org

Welcome Team

As we welcome new people, it’s our pleasure to help them learn about us and find a spiritual home. You can support this fulfilling and important work by welcoming guests at the Visitors’ Table or greeting visitors and congregants at the door on Sundays. Contact:  welcome@uusantarosa.org

Common Interests Affinity Groups

Book Group

Our mission is to foster community and explore ideas within the context of discussing books that are of interest to the group members. Members alternate as discussion leaders. At our June meeting we have a potluck and select books for the following year. Contact: bookgroup@uusantarosa.org

Buddhist Meditation

We practice Buddhist Insight Meditation with the goal of cultivating inner peace and compassion. All are welcome. Tuesdays at 9 & 11, Thursdays at 5 p.m. Contact: meditation@uusantarosa.org


Attention book lovers!  Join the UUCSR Library Committee. You can help keep the library a vibrant part of our UU culture.  Participate and staff the table once a month. Training is provided.  Contact: library@uusantarosa.org

Grief Group

This group which is intended to offer support and a path to healing for those experiencing losses. Please contact Jeanie Bates or Lucia Milburn if you are interested, to discover whether this seems to be a setting that could prove useful for you. 2nd 4th Fridays 10:00 to 11:30a.m. 

Social Justice Work

Social Justice work at UUCSR encompasses many groups, each with individual targeted goals. The umbrella group is called Advocates for Social Justice (A4SJ). This group’s mission is to apply UU principles to actions that create positive change in the local community and in the larger world.  Along with over twenty other local faith groups and advocacy organizations, we are members of the North Bay Organizing Project (NBOP) and in this way, we amplify our UU principles in the public arena through action. Contact: advocatesforsocialjustice@uusantarosa.org. 

Below are sub-groups that operate under the A4SJ banner.

Saturday Breakfast for Our Neighbors

If you are deeply committed to helping people in need, the Saturday Breakfast Teams may be your cup of tea.  For almost two decades, the teams have been providing large, healthy breakfasts each Saturday for our homeless friends and anyone who walks through our doors. This is a real labor of love and requires no special talents. New volunteers for our weekly crews are always welcome and needed. Contact: saturdaybreakfast@uusantarosa.org

Climate Action Group

 Come to experience what it’s like to create your own climate future using grounded conversations. Contact any Climate Action Group member for more information about our group; we’re open to more members: Kathy Albury, Linda Bell, Chlele Gummer, Stacy Sincheff, Elaine Wellin and Shirley White.

Dismantling White Supremacy Culture (DWSC) Within UUCSR

The Dismantling White Supremacy Culture w/in UUCSR Committee was formed to spearhead the ongoing work of implementing the Eighth Principle’s call to action.  As a part of this journey, the Committee invites the congregation to engage in conversation and action with the intention of dismantling white supremacy culture within ourselves and at UUCSR.  Dismantling white supremacy culture within UUCSR is an ongoing spiritual practice that cannot be fully realized without white people understanding and acknowledging its systemic roots and its continuing harmful effects on all our lives.  All are welcome to join.  For more information, contact the Committee at dwsc@uusantarosa.org 

Congregational Service

Pastoral Care Team

The Pastoral Care Team consists of the Lay Chaplains and the Caring Connections Team.

The Lay Chaplains operate under the direction of the minister. We are here to listen to the important things going on in your life—your joys, your sorrows, the things for which we light our candles. We manage the Milestones in the weekly services. We visit people in hospitals, talk with people on the phone and in person, help people deal with difficult situations, and put them in touch with resources they need to ease their lives. Contact: laychaplains@uusantarosa.org

Caring Connections strives to ensure that members of the congregation receive care in times of crisis and need.  We provide a confidential ministry of support and caring so that no member of our congregation feels alone.  We coordinate rides, meals, cards and calls.  We also have resources for end-of-life, elder care, and other health questions.  Contact: caringconnections@uusantarosa.org

Audio and Visual Crew

This crew is trained to run the soundboard, provide hearing assistive equipment during worship, and record the worship services and other events. The "V" in AV is through the use of our Zoom and YouTube access, and also incorporates our Sunday morning Slideshow. Please stop by the AV booth if you have an interest and proclivity to learning about AV work and helping the AV Crew. 

Building Maintenance

This team is responsible for the overall care of the building, along with legal and civil concerns related to our ownership. We always appreciate more volunteers for Saturday workdays to maintain the building and grounds, held on the first Saturday of each month.

Coffee Hour

This is a fun and easy way to meet people and lend a hand on Sundays. Help us set out cookies and brew up the java, or hang around a little later and help with clean up. Non-members welcome!  

Flower Committee

The Flower Committee is an enjoyable outlet for your creative self.  No experience is necessary; nor is a large garden.  The demands are low; you spend about 2 hours on a Saturday approximately once a month creating arrangements with a partner.  Donations and volunteers are always welcome. Non-members welcome! Contact: flowers@uusantarosa.org 

Office Helpers (aka Office Angels)

Office volunteers are UUCSR members who assist the Administrator by performing office duties such as answering the telephone and helping the administrator with daily tasks.  Each volunteer does a 2-4 hour shift in the morning or afternoon.  Contact: administrator@uusantarosa.org

Membership Committee

We welcome visitors and newcomers into the life of the community by offering information and guiding them on the Path to Membership if they desire. We sponsor new member orientation classes, social introductions, and formal induction into the congregation at a special service. One of our goals is to present opportunities for newcomers to get involved at UUCSR. Contact: membership@uusantarosa.org

Web Team/Communications

Interested in sharing your expertise or learning by helping with our website and other communications in our congregation? We’d love to meet you! Contact: commgt@uusantarosa.org



Our outstanding choir, led by an outstanding choir director, Gage Purdy, can be heard at Sunday services. Styles of music vary according to the themes of services. The choir traditionally rehearses Thursday nights from 7 to 8:30. If you are interested in joining, contact choir@uusantarosa.org

Music Coordinators (MC)

Each service has an MC who works closely with the minister and the Worship Associate in choosing and coordinating music for Sunday services. The MC generally suggests pieces that blend with the theme of the service and arranges for the performers. If it is a service where the Choir is singing, the MC coordinates with the Music Director. Contact: musiccoordinators@uusantarosa.org 


UUCSR Website and Realm congregation directory—uusantarosa.org is the website and members and pledging friends can access the online directory after logging in. Contact the administrator (administrator@uusantarosa.org) for assistance.

UU newsletter—emailed to all UUCSR members and friends monthly. Contact the administrator (administrator@uusantarosa.org) if you are not receiving it.

Focus list—email distribution list open to all members and friends to update others on happenings at UUCSR or to comment on church business. Contact the administrator (administrator@uusantarosa.org).

Unitarian Universalist Association (UU headquarters in Boston): website—UUA.org

UUA magazine—UUworld.org

Dictionary of Unitarian & Universalist Biographies—UUdb.org

Resources for Black Lives of Unitarian Universalists—blacklivesUU.org

Library of UU biographies, history, books, and media—HarvardSquareLibrary.org

Endowment Committee

We are responsible for assisting members in their planned giving to the congregation’s endowment fund, and for overseeing and maintaining the endowment. The Legacy Circle aims to be inclusive. Everyone is encouraged to participate. Whether the amount of money turns out to be small or large, it is a tangible expression of your social values and your trust in the future of this congregation. Contact: endowment@uusantarosa.org

Sustaining Pledge Committee

We track and maintain pledges from members and pledging friends of the congregation. Contact sustainingpledge@uusantarosa.org

Operations Team

We are responsible for the day-to-day logistical operations of the congregation. This group comprises representatives from Finance, Building & Maintenance, Communications, Interior Space, and the office volunteers. We coordinate the “Officer of the Day” at services on Sundays.