Upcoming Adult Classes

The Adult Education Committee offers a wide variety of courses and programs in such areas as film, science, current social and political issues, skill development, personal growth, and forms of religious understanding. We always welcome suggestions from anyone who would like to present or participate in a program. 

You can find a record of previous courses here.

Detective Fiction and Religion

Carol Daeley

Wednesday January 31

Board Room, 2-4

The novel to be discussed will be The Togakushi Legend Murders and its focus on Shinto. New class participants are welcome. If you would like to be on the course email list, send your address to cdaeley@austincollege.edu

The Other Georgia: Visiting the Silk Road in the Southern Caucasus

Bruce Hope and Paula Hammett

Sunday February 4

Founders Room, 12 noon

Bruce and Paula will share photos and experiences from their visit to the fascinating country of Georgia, where Eastern Europe meets Central Asia. Cuisine, winemaking, post-Soviet history, and much more.

An Exceptional Partner: What Makes India Important—and Different

Arzon Tarapore

Friday February 9

4-5 PM, Glaser Center Sanctuary, Reception in Social Hall 5-6 PM

This talk is sponsored by the World Affairs Council of Sonoma County. All are invited ($10 donation encouraged). For more information, email Linda Lambert at linlambert@mcn.org

We’re Talkin’ Trash! 

Emily Harris  

Sunday February 18  

12 Noon, Founders Room 

Recology Waste Zero supervisor Emily Harris will demystify what to do with your trash and what happens to it after it's hauled away.  

Four Fall Sessions, Four Spring Sessions

Remaining Fall Sessions Wednesday, October 25 and December 6

Board Room, 2-3:30

Because detective fiction emerged as a defined genre in the 19th century, its affinities with scientific realism, close observation, and rational thinking are often stressed. But there is also a close association between detective fiction and what is, or appears to be, supernatural. Many detective novels build their plots around specific religions. We will discuss three novels in the fall and four in the spring of 2024. Religions central to the selected novels include various forms of Christianity, Islam, Navajo, Hopi, Crow, and Cheyenne religions, and Shinto.

If you would like to be on the course mailing list, email Carol at cdaeley@austincollege.edu. She will be sharing course material ahead of class sessions. The first novel to be discussed on October 4 will be Ausma Zehanat Khan’s "A Deadly Divide." The complete reading list will be available at the AE table on Sundays and by email.

Carol Daeley is a Congregation member and a retired professor of literature, though professors of literature never actually retire. She developed several kinds of courses in detective fiction because she wanted, once in a while, to talk in the classroom about literature that students read when nobody made them do it. Presenting this material is even more fun through Adult Education because there are no tests or papers to grade.